Complex Civil Infrastructure 

Our expertise in Bridge Construction makes us your go-to partner for all kinds of civil infrastructure projects.

Whether you've got a project that's a bit out of the ordinary, demands strict quality control, or requires extra durability, we've got you covered.

A unique blend of skills

Our team of steel fixers, formwork carpenters, and concreters are ready to roll up their sleeves and dive headfirst into your project.

They bring years of expertise and a passion for their craft, ensuring that every aspect of your work is handled with precision. At BridgePro Engineering, we understand that civil infrastructure projects require a unique blend of technical expertise, project management finesse, and a commitment to excellence. Rest assured; we've got what it takes.

Our experience and capabilities:
  • Mass concrete pours
  • Structural concrete works including large walls and forms
  • Tanks, spillways, outfalls, and other similar works
  • Retaining walls

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June 04, 2024

Lots of BridgePro bridge building goodness in here. Pleased to be working with McConnell Dowel to deliver this bridge.

June 04, 2024

A great little video showing how a bridge like the Mersey River bridge works and some of the work recently undertaken by BridgePro to move it back into position and lock it off. Thank you to everyone for their patience...

May 31, 2024

May 15, 2024

May 14, 2024

At Bridgepro we do more than build new bridges. Sometimes we work hard to ensure bridges continue to perform as intended for many more years. This is one such case where we will reposition/ re-centre this significant bridge over the...

May 13, 2024

Are you looking for a career that leaves a legacy? BridgePro Engineering is seeking an experienced Accounts Payable Officer to join our team at our HQ in Latrobe, Tasmania. We are a team who genuinely care for the work we...

May 08, 2024

Let us take you back to a previous project of ours, the Northbank to Seaport Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge. Our dedicated team at BridgePro put in immense effort to create a functional and visually stunning bridge, incorporating a world-leading design solution...

May 08, 2024

BridgePro are pleased to have been able to deliver Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the strengthening works on the Kununnah Bridge over the Arthur river. The works required the development of some specialised access which was able to be...

April 30, 2024

As we continue to invest in our future projects and generations at Bridge Pro Engineering, we would like to introduce to you our brand new Soilmec SR-75 Blue Tec CFA (continuous flight auger piles). Designed for all foundation techniques with...

April 24, 2024

Our team recently completed the White Timber Bridge project in Lachlan, southern Tasmania. This bridge plays a vital role in linking the ~850 residents to other areas of the state, and it was in serious need of refurbishment. Derwent Valley...
Aboriginal flag Torres strait islander flag
BridgePro acknowledges the traditional owners of this island, and pays respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people past, present and future.